Minimum charge: $60 See below for service estimates.
Wait times for services Due to an unprecedented and ongoing demand we are running late on all services and repairs. You can expect your instrument to be with us for a minimum of 2 weeks once it is here and assessed.
Certain small jobs including stuck brass mouthpieces and wooden clarinet tenon shaves under warranty can be performed in store quickly and with zero or minimum charge. Please make yourself known at the front counter if you suspect a warranty issue on an instrument purchased from Sax & Woodwind as it will be attended to as soon as possible. For more info on warranty click HERE
Please remove everything from the case except the instrument (mouthpieces, swabs, lubricants) unless necks/mouthpieces need to be recorked.
Student Instrument Service Price Guide* (parts not included)
Professional Instrument Service Price Guide* (parts not included)
* Please note: Service bookings are accepted on the assumption that the instrument has been adequately maintained. Once in the store the technician may determine that a different level of work is required and may cost more. The technician cannot assess an instrument without it being present in the store.
Phone +61 2 9557 4588 If out of order call 0449 531 561 Shop 3, 158 Parramatta Rd Camperdown 2050 NSW Australia Email Directions and Map
Business hours* Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:30 - 5:30 Thursday: 9:30 - 7:00 Friday: 9:30 - 5:30 Saturday - 9:00 - 3:30 Sunday and Public Holidays - Closed